Sunday, 16 March 2014

Preface to short stories by Anuradha Bhattacharyya

After innumerable deliberations I have hit the spot. For long I have been searching for a proper form to express things that people express, till at last… Much speech is wasted on unimaginative listeners. Much is said and remains unheard. And much disaster is brought by unimaginative talkers. There are points to counter points and yet no score at the pause. Silence, laughter and smiles keep the oral tissues busy while language of all languages, speech is the chief element of our communications.
I have chosen this form of prose in my compositions for various reasons. Firstly, the individuality of the speakers should not be compromised. Each one is a dynamic personality having one’s own mind. The scrap of dialogue produced by the friction of two totally different psychical phenomena ignites a rare spark which can illuminate us. But our attention is flighty and we are left with several possible interpretations. Nothing happens to last. Something is happening. Every word is disclosing – what the narrator can never tell. So down with the imposter; chuck out the narrative.
On the other end of the line of letters is dramatic form. So much more than speech happens every second. An observer can record or a performer can imitate an event. But events are a big deal. These chaps are just talking. They are driven by an urgent need to be heard. So I shed little light on the drama. I have observed a blackout for concentration.
Between the two extremes of prose style, narrative fiction and drama, the following prose sequence is the inevitable mean ... [read BUS STOP -] [read NIGHT BUS -]

1 comment:

  1. Hi ma'am. I've sent you a message on Facebook (check the "Other" folder).

    Abhishek Dwivedi
