Thursday 4 April 2019

On Pedagogy

Primary school teachers can apply this simple formula to discern which child should grow up to become a teacher.*
  1. In a batch of about 30-50 students, one can easily notice a child who is helping some other student that has difficulty with a sum (my emphasis is always on arithmetic). The teacher should ask the parents of the child to encourage them to become a teacher.
  2. In the same batch there may be students who are high scorers but who do not share their work with others. The teacher should encourage their parents to send them abroad. These meticulous students work only for a reward. They can very well fetch India some foreign money.
  3. In the same batch, of course, there would be some brilliant students who laugh at the failure of others. These people are very good at competition at the cost of general well being. A teacher should advise their parents to save some wealth to secure their future as they are not likely to get any ‘job’ in the future.
  4. The teacher should not hesitate to fail students. This ensures quality learning. Mere accumulation of degrees is not appreciable.
* As a result the rest of the occupational chart will fall in place like a jigsaw puzzle.

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