Wednesday 26 August 2020

Virtual Classes

Our leaders

Asked us to be self reliant

But all about me is

Micro chip reliance

There used to be 

A hundred hearts

Throbbing in the cover

Of the school 

Now lost in quantum space

Are floating heads 

You can not tell if the heart is in it

On screen 

It so seems

The nose might have it

Or maybe the eyebrows

I practically feel 


Talking to infinity

Paranoid chatter 

And much less


In virtual space.


  1. Our dismal predicament and its essence has been powerfully captured in just three words: micro chip reliance.The image aptly highlights the poetic expression / impression. The quick pace of the poem and its even more quicker ending parallels the psyche of an entire age where we seek to be said quickly and even more to end quicklier so that we can move quickly to the next amusement awaiting our impatient 'physical' souls. A memorable piece of poetry, indeed reflecting micro chip age's micro'ness'.

  2. Thank you. "Psyche of an entire age" indeed.

  3. It's indeed a vivid explanation of virtual reality. Though its the need of the hour but if it continues then the human touch will be overtaken by robo touch. An awesome piece of poetry.

    1. Yes. MY daughter and my students have already started expressing their fatigue...
